Know what makes us better

No monthly maintenance fee

Maintenance fees are an archaic way of covering costs. These costs do not exist in modern banking. Let's not worry about them.

No Minimum Balance

If you are banking with us we want you to stay. If your account has money in it then you have covered your part of the deal, we'll do the rest.

No Transaction Limits

Technology lets us transfer money effortlessly. Why limit this freedom? We like our freedoms, transfer as many times as you need, both to your own internal accounts and external.

ATM Refunds

Accessing cash shouldn't be difficult. Don't worry about which ATMs charge you $4.50. We want you accessing your money. We reimburse you each month for those fees using our money to cover this cost. Enjoy the good life.

Want to open multiple accounts?

Talk to one of our advisors. We are ready to help and answer your questions. We will guide you to whatever you need.

Speak with an advisor

Sign up Today!

Provide us the basic info ahead of time and we'll start you on your way to a new account. The whole process takes less than 5 minutes.

“The best banking can be. I never wonder about what other banking services may be out there. I wonder which of my friends aren't yet with CASL and need to be!”

Torey Powers

Account Holder